
Do I dissapoint you? - Rufus Wainwraight

El experimento habla esta vez sobre las emociones frustrantes que produce el querer demostrar algo sin éxito. El tener una imagen ante los amigos que es difícil de mantener. La propiedad sin placer.
Tal vez se pueda creer que no sufro ningún problema, y el que lee lo que escribo pensaría que vivo sufriendo. Y la verdad es que me doy tiempo para las dos cosas. Soy atrevido y desafiante. Me quiero comer (y algunas mordidas le dí) al mundo. Y a ratos vengo a llorar a mi laptop escuchando alguna vieja canción. El Yin y el Yang.
Puros extremos. Reflexivo e impulsivo. Sagaz y audaz. Creativo y ladrón.
Y si me conoces tal vez te decepcionas porque solo soy interesante a ratos.
Do I disappoint you, in just being human?
And not one of the elements, that
you can light your cigar on
Why does it always have to be fire?
Why does it always have to be brimstone?
Cool this body down

Do I disappoint you, in just being lonely?
And not one of the elements that you
can call your one and only
Why does it always have to be water?
Why does it always have to be holy wine?
Of all mankind

And do I disappoint you?
Do I disappoint you in just being like you?

Tired of being the reason the road has a shoulder
And it could be argued, why they
all return to the order
Why does it always have to be chaos?
Why does it always have to be wanderlust?
I'm gonna smash your bloody skull.
'Cause, baby, no, you can't see inside
No, baby, no, you can't see my soul
Do I disappoint you?
Do I disappoint you?

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