
Sedan delivery - Neil Young

No hay nada que comentar hoy, es solo rock melomaniático porque me gustó el tema y punto. Si a eso le añado que el médico me ha prohibido el yogur... entonces queda claro que la cabeza está revuelta de sexo un poco sucio pero bien caliente.
Estoy haciendo el papel del voyeur intenso, incluyendo recuerdos ajenos, a lo francés, me excita mucho y creo que de aquí va a salir algún nuevo personaje renovado. Y mucho pero mucho más extremo.
Que ganas tengo de...
Last night I was cool at the pool hall
Held the table for eleven games
Nothing was easier than the first seven
I beat a woman with varicose veins.
She stopped to see herself in the mirror
Fix her hair and hide heir veins
And she lost the game.
Next day I went to the dentist
He pulled some teeth and I lost some blood
We'd like to thank you for the cards you sent us
My wives and I were all choked up.
I recall how Caesar and Cleo
Made love in the Milky Way
They needed boats and armies to get there
I know there's a better way.
I saw the movie and I read the book
But when it happened to me
I sure was glad I had what it took
To get away.
Gotta get away, gotta get away
Gotta get away, gotta get away
I'm making another delivery
Of chemicals and sacred roots
I'll hold what you have to give me
But I'll use what I have to use.
The lasers are in the lab
The old man is dressed in white clothes
Everybody says he's mad
No one knows the things that he knows.
No one knows, no one knows
No one knows, no one knows
I'm sleepin' in every hallway
I just can't accept the stares
I'm using too many covers
I'm warm now so I don't care.
I'm thinkin' of no one in my mind
Sedan delivery is a job I know I'll keep
It sure was hard to find.
Hard to find. hard to find
Hard to find. hard to find

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